Source code for pyinthesky.methods

# XXX: Suggestions for improvement.
#  1. The ability to indicate what arguments should be passed in
#     positionally. True for all, or sequence for specific ordering.
#  2. Support for *args
#  3. Support for **kwargs.
# Should be called func_sig_wrapper

from functools import partial
import six

[docs]def method_sig_wrapper(target, name, varnames, defaults=None, make_method=False): # First of all, defaults will need to be a tuple rather than a # dictionary. defaults_l = [] # Translating the dictionary into the sequence required. if defaults: defaults_d = defaults.copy() # We get the X last variable names - they are presumably the # variables which have defaults. for argname in varnames[-len(defaults):]: try: defaults_l.append(defaults_d.pop(argname)) except KeyError: # XXX: We've got awkward method definitions - we need to # be able to handle this gracefully: # SetAVTransportURI ['InstanceID', 'CurrentURIMetaData', 'CurrentURI'] {'CurrentURIMetaData': 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED'} defaults_l = [] defaults_d = {} break # raise ValueError("require default value for '%s'" % argname) if defaults_d: raise ValueError("default provided for unspecified varname: '%s'" % defaults_d.keys()[0]) del defaults if make_method: argstr = ', '.join(['self'] + list(varnames)) wrapfunc = ( "def {name}({argstr}): __locals__ = locals(); " "__locals__.pop('self'); return _target_(**__locals__)\n" ) else: argstr = ', '.join(varnames) wrapfunc = 'def {name}({argstr}): return _target_(**locals())\n' wrapfunc = wrapfunc.format(**vars()) wrapcode = compile(wrapfunc, '<generated_function>', 'exec') global_ns = {} eval(wrapcode, {'_target_': target}, global_ns) f = global_ns[name] f.func_defaults = tuple(defaults_l) return f
_ambiguous_docstring = ''' This is a convenience function which cannot be used, as there are multiple methods available with the same name. You will have to call the required methods more directly: '''.strip() + '\n'
[docs]def make_ambiguous_function(name, func_locations): e = 'method "%s" is ambiguous - will need to invoke directly from service' def cant_do_it(*args, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError(e % name) cant_do_it.__name__ = name describes = '\n'.join([' - ' + fl for fl in func_locations]) cant_do_it.__doc__ = _ambiguous_docstring + describes return cant_do_it
# XXX: Add docstrings...
[docs]def bind_service_methods(target, services=None, bind_to_class=False): if services is None: services = [target] from pyinthesky import meta bind_to_meta = bind_target_class = False if bind_to_class is True: target_class = target.__class__ elif bind_to_class is False: target_class = None elif hasattr(meta, bind_to_class): target_class = getattr(meta, bind_to_class) bind_target_class = True else: target_class = type(bind_to_class, (target.__class__,), {}) target_class.__module__ = 'pyinthesky.meta' bind_to_meta = True bind_target_class = True serv_methods = {} for service in services: for methname, (in_args, out_args) in service.methods.items(): func = partial(service.invoke, methname) args = list(in_args.argument_order) f = method_sig_wrapper(func, methname, args, in_args.argument_defaults, make_method=target_class is not None) serv_methods.setdefault(methname, []).append([ f, + '.' + methname, ]) # We've now built functions for all remote methods, so see what we # can set and what we can't. for methname, methods in serv_methods.items(): if len(methods) == 1: f = methods[0][0] else: f = make_ambiguous_function(methname, [x[1] for x in methods]) if target_class is None: setattr(target, methname, f) else: m = six.create_unbound_method(f, target_class) setattr(target_class, methname, m) if bind_target_class: target.__class__ = target_class if bind_to_meta: setattr(meta, target_class.__name__, target_class) return dict((k, len(serv_methods[k]) == 1) for k in serv_methods)