Source code for pyinthesky.minisoap

[docs]def soap_encode(elements): if not isinstance(elements, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError('must pass a sequence of Element objects') from .xmlutils import ElementTree as ET res = ET.Element('s:Envelope') res.attrib['xmlns:s'] = "" res.attrib['s:encodingStyle'] = "" body = ET.SubElement(res, 's:Body') for element in elements: body.append(element) return ET.ElementTree(res)
[docs]def soap_decode(etree): from functools import partial from .xmlutils import nstag tag = partial(nstag, etree) body = etree.find(tag('Body')) # Is there a SOAP fault here? fault = body.find(tag('Fault')) if fault is not None: faultcode = fault.find('faultcode').text faultstring = fault.find('faultstring').text # Which exception class? You can get strings like this: # "s:Client.Authentication" # # So we drop the namespace qualifier and only pay attention to # the first element to determine the class type. faultcode = faultcode.split(':', 1)[-1] faulttype = faultcode.split('.', 1)[0] faultclass = { 'Client': SoapClientError, 'Server': SoapServerError, }.get(faulttype, SoapError) detail = fault.find('detail') raise faultclass(faultcode, faultstring, detail.getchildren()) # Otherwise, it's just a normal response, and we want to return the # content. # # from .xmlutils import ElementTree as ET # ET.dump(body) return body.getchildren()
[docs]class SoapError(Exception): def __init__(self, code, message, details): Exception.__init__(self, '%s: %s' % (code, message)) self.code = code self.message = message self.details = details
[docs]class SoapClientError(SoapError): pass
[docs]class SoapServerError(SoapError): pass