Source code for pyinthesky.utils

[docs]def args_to_kwargs(args, kwargs, argnames): # Check we haven't exceeded the number of allowed arguments. argcount = len(args) + len(kwargs) if argcount > len(argnames): errmsg = { 0: "takes no arguments ({1} given)", 1: "takes exactly 1 argument ({1} given)", }.get(argcount, "takes exactly {0} arguments ({1} given)") raise TypeError(errmsg.format(len(argnames), argcount)) # Check we haven't defined both arguments and keyword arguments for the # same. We turn argnames into a list in case we have a dict-keys object. for argname in list(argnames)[:len(args)]: if argname in kwargs: err = "got multiple values for keyword argument '%s'" raise TypeError(err % argname) # Combine the values. res = kwargs.copy() res.update(zip(argnames, args)) return res
# Based around this:
[docs]def common_url_prefix(urls): def same(values): return all(v == values[0] for v in values[1:]) from six.moves.urllib import parse parsed = [parse.urlparse(url) for url in urls] # We need the same protocol and netloc (host/port), otherwise there # is not a common prefix. if not same([u[:2] for u in parsed]): return None # If we get here, it means we have a shared protocol and netloc, so # now we just compare paths. from itertools import takewhile as tw parts = zip(*[p.path.split('/') for p in parsed]) commonpath = '/'.join(x[0] for x in tw(same, parts)) res_parts = parsed[0][:2] + (commonpath, '', '', '') res = parse.urlunparse(res_parts) if res[-1] != '/': res += '/' return res