Source code for pyinthesky.xmlutils

# Expose the "best" ElementTree implementation available.
# Got to be careful with what combinations of modules we use here - see:
    from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree
except ImportError:
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ElementTree

from six.moves import cStringIO
import six

[docs]def text_to_etree(content): # We need the str-type for either Python 2 or 3. We're not expecting py3 # bytes to be passed, so we just need to detect the unicode py2 type and # turn it into a str-type. if isinstance(content, six.text_type) and type(content) is not str: content = content.encode('utf-8') return ElementTree.parse(cStringIO(content))
[docs]def etree_to_text(etree): return ElementTree.tostring(etree.getroot())
# May need to implement strip_schema. Look at: #
[docs]def nstag(tree, tag): # If you use the lxml implementation of etree, it's easier to get # the schema qualifier: # schema = tree.getroot().nsmap[None] # # That would return the schema without the curly braces. roottag = tree.getroot().tag if '}' not in roottag: return tag # No schema. schema = roottag.split('}', 1)[0] + '}' return '{0}{1}'.format(schema, tag)
[docs]def simple_elements_dict(node): d = {} for attrname, attrvalue in node.items(): d[attrname] = attrvalue for childnode in list(node): tagname = childnode.tag if '}' in tagname: tagname = tagname.split('}')[-1] text = childnode.text and childnode.text.strip() if text is not None: d[tagname] = text for attrname, attrvalue in childnode.items(): d[tagname + '.' + attrname] = attrvalue return d
[docs]def striptag(node): return node.tag.split('}')[-1]